Determiners and gender in fixed verbal constructions




gender, phraseological units, phraseological variation, gender variation


An investigation has been carried out in this article with the following objective: on the one hand, to analyse the treatment and gender content of the fixed verbal constructions (FVC) components in Spanish. On the other hand, to analyse the variation in gender that this can have on such constructions. After exposing the innovative side of this research, the gender in these components is analysed for this purpose. The possibilities of variation in gender of the FVC in the database of the FRASYTRAM (phraseology and multilingual translation) research group, which currently contains 40,770 entries, is also analysed. It should be noted that this research is carried out both regarding the FVC of peninsular and/or common Spanish and regarding the FVC of Latin American Spanish. The data show that this is a large-scale phenomenon that should be treated due to its evident relevance and contribution to the normalization of the language in use.


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How to Cite

Mogorrón Huerta, P. (2024). Determiners and gender in fixed verbal constructions. Onomázein, (NE XIV), 30–52.