Time invested in self-revision: an indicator of learning performance in translator training?





self-revision, translation process, time control, translator training, learning performance


Self-revision is an essential part of the translation production process in which one checks and amends one’s own translation (Mossop, 2014 [2001]). Since the activities linked to self-revision involve the application of knowledge, skills and aptitudes of translation competence (Kelly, 2002, 2005 y 2008), self-control of the work procedure (Pietrzak, 2019) is basic to manage time and effort (Gile, 2005; Pym, 2010a) required by these activities. Therefore, self-revision is an essential didactic instrument to develop strategic competence and self-efficacy beliefs (Haro-Soler, 2017) in translator training. This paper presents the results of an analytical comparative study focused on the monitoring of the time devoted to the activities of the translation process by 20 students and their teacher. The aim is to demonstrate how the time invested in self-revision is a valuable indicator of the learning progress. According to the results obtained, the students with greater self-control of their work procedures manage the time and effort invested in the different activities of the translation process considering their strengths and weaknesses when translating (Way, 2008), and are more effective both in detecting errors and deficiencies in their translations and in correcting them. In the conclusions, additional possibilities for analysing the data obtained and the limitations of this type of study are addressed.


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How to Cite

Parra-Galiano, S. (2023). Time invested in self-revision: an indicator of learning performance in translator training?. Onomázein, (NEXII), 57–78. https://doi.org/10.7764/onomazein.ne12.03