The pronunciation of hiatus /e.a/ and /o.a/ in Romanian learners of Spanish as a foreign language


  • Miguel Cuevas Alonso Cátedra UNESCO Educación Transformadora: Ciencia, Comunicación y Sociedad. Universidade de Vigo
  • Cristina Bleortu Universidad de Zúrich
  • Alina-Viorela Prelipcean Universidad “Stefan cel Mare” de Suceava



Romanian, diphthongs, hiatus, phonetics, Spanish as a second language


One of the most relevant features of Romanian phonetics and phonology are the diphthongs /ea/ and /oa/, which have aroused the interest of many researchers (Mussafia, 1868; Diez, 2021: 130-135; Miklosich, 2010; Meyer-Lübke, 1890; Iordan, 1920; Lombard, 1955; Petrovici, 1956, 1957, 1959; Rosetti, 1959; Vasiliu, 1968; Sala, 1976; Loporcaro, 2011; Sánchez Miret, 2013, among others). These contrast phonologically with the Spanish hiatus /e.a/ and /o.a/. For this reason, in this study we want to analyze the possible pronunciation of Romanian Spanish learners taking into account seven university students.


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How to Cite

Cuevas Alonso, M., Bleortu, C., & Prelipcean, A.-V. (2023). The pronunciation of hiatus /e.a/ and /o.a/ in Romanian learners of Spanish as a foreign language. Onomázein, (NEXI), 61–84.

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