Not only multicuralism: desde el fogón de una casa de putas williche by Graciela Huinao


  • Eduardo Barraza Universidad de Los Lagos (Chile)


Mapuche narrative, transculturalism, ethnicity, identities


In this narrative proposal, Graciela Huinao proposes a reply to a category as “multicultural citizenship” through which intercultural relations in Chile have been addressed. The locus of enunciation of the story is not held only by the figure of a fictitious narrator but this constantly appeals to its condition as an authorial voice in resistance, a historical and ethnically located voice but, according to Huinao, “exiled in his own land”, so as to speak property to the subjects of a presumed literacy city. Through this strategy, this narrative voice argues against with the speeches that the huinca have proferred on an alleged “illiterate city”, whose border mark is the Río Rahue (Osorno). Therefore –as discussed in this article– it is a text that already from the title, and from a cultural periphery, debates with the various academic notions relating to transculturalism and exposed to interculturalism as “conflict”, according to its precarious and inharmonic hybrid condition.


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How to Cite

Barraza, E. (2018). Not only multicuralism: desde el fogón de una casa de putas williche by Graciela Huinao. Anales De Literatura Chilena, (29), 37–51. Retrieved from

