Two-lane rural highways consistency analysis using continuous operating speed measurements obtained with GPS


  • Tomás Echaveguren Universidad de Concepción (Chile)



Consistency, speed, GPS, two-lane rural roads


Consistency assessment permits to study road safety regarded to speed. There exist several speed-geometry models that assessed isolated components of roads, which are used for consistency assessment of single elements of roads. For instance, single horizontal curves or reverse curves. Aggregated consistency assessment models, permit to assess long segments of roads.Therefore, continuous speed profiles are needed. In that case, speed-geometry models for single elements are not suitable. Today satellite positioning technology is an efficient way to develop continuous speed profile for long sectors of roads, particularly useful for aggregated consistency assessement. This paper study the Polus’ consistency assesment model, which need as input continuous speed profiles. First, Polus’ model is discussed. After a method for speed data collection and processing using in-field measurements and models is discussed. Method was applied to 5 roads using a GPS device. Data were processed with Kalman filter and smoothed with loess smoother. With the speed profile processed, filtered and smoothed, Polus’ consistency method was used to estimate consistency index in each road. It was concluded that Polus’ method and continuous speed profiles are suitables to rate consistency of long road segments. However, special attention should be given to road segmentation to avoid under or over-estimation of the road consistency, particularly in straight and steeped segments.


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How to Cite

Echaveguren, T. (2012). Two-lane rural highways consistency analysis using continuous operating speed measurements obtained with GPS. Revista Ingeniería De Construcción, 27(2), 55–70.



Original Research